Our Services
Heart Space services provided by Dr. Shira Taylor are OHIP-covered mindfulness and psychotherapy groups designed to support people struggling with stress, depression and anxiety. There are a range of groups offered including foundational mindfulness training (Minding Your Inner Monkey, Parry Sound Mindfulness group), interpersonal skills building groups (Interpersonal Boundaries Weekend Workshops, Mindful Relating group), a group focusing on self-compassion and healing from complex trauma (Self-Love group). Dr. Taylor is not accepting referrals for individual psychotherapy at this time.
Some groups and workshops are offered in-person (Parry Sound Mindfulness, Interpersonal Boundaries Workshops, Refresher Retreats), while others are offered online via Zoom (Minding Your Inner Monkey). Click HERE, to learn more about the conditions, benefits, and risks of Telemedicine.
How do I know when I'm ready to work with Dr. Taylor?
Here are a few indications that you are ready to work with Dr. Taylor. You:
Are ready to work towards real change in your life;
Live in Ontario and have a valid OHIP card;
Have a mental or physical condition but are not in crisis;
Are willing to participate in a group learning environment;
Have a Family Doctor or Primary Care Nurse Practitioner or other health care provider who can coordinate your care, respond to crises, and refer you for our services;
Are willing to use integrative modalities and techniques that need to be practiced daily to be effective;
Are able to commit to a weekly group either online or in the Parry Sound area for the duration of your program;
Are able and willing to commit to our group guidelines; and,
Are ready to learn how to live with more ease in the world.
I'm ready! How do I start?
Please feel free to contact Dr. Taylor’s office to book an introduction & intake appointment.
Please also have your Primary Care provider download, complete and fax a referral form along with any relevant consultations or reports
What Should I Expect At My Intake Appointment?
Your first intake appointment will be 30-45 minutes in length with Dr. Taylor’s assistant. This will be followed by a full intake assessment appointment with Dr Taylor that will last approximately 45 - 60 minutes.
If you decide to join one of Dr. Taylor’s group courses, you will be advised of your group's start date. A fully refundable deposit will be required to secure your spot in the group.
Groups will meet regularly for 8-15 weeks (depending on which course you do), for approximately 3 hours at a time (including breaks).
Why Does Dr. Taylor Love Groups?
Humans are social beings who learn to heal through connection whether with nature, community, or within ourselves. Particularly when struggling with mental health challenges, we don't heal or learn very well in isolation. We often become lonely and disheartened when isolated for too long.
Many times, illness, pain and distress isolate us from others when we need healthy & supportive connection most.
Group courses are a good place to heal and learn alongside others who are also struggling with physical or mental health conditions or issues that are similar to your own.
Dr. Taylor is a skilful guide who is able to help a group become a safe learning and sharing environment for all who attend. In a group, you get to:
learn more about the brain, body and yourself than you normally would in an individual session with a therapist;
have more time with Dr. Taylor weekly than you would in an individual session (3 hours per week vs only 50 minutes per session)'; and,
share with, or hear from, others who are also struggling with mental or physical issues, facilitated by Dr. Taylor in a way that is helpful and not overwhelming.
What Should I Bring To My Intake Appointment?
Please ensure that you have filled out our assessment forms prior to your appointment. Please also bring:
- a complete list of all of your vitamins and supplements and,
- copies of any relevant consultations from your medical file with your Primary Care MD.
I’m Still Nervous About Joining a Group….
Dr. Taylor has facilitated groups for many years and can help you find a way to feel OK and, hopefully, even enjoy being in a mind-body group setting. Please know that in Dr. Taylor’s groups:
you don't have to share any personal details if you don't want to;
you will not be put in a position where you feel burdened by the issues or stories of others in the group;
you don't have to sit still & you get to move around and do what you need to make yourself comfortable in the group space (or at home if you attend online);
you can bring anything you need to the group space to make yourself comfortable (as long as it doesn't make someone else uncomfortable);
you can use the variety of pillows, cushions, mats and chairs in the group space or at home to maximize your comfort;
you can trust that Dr. Taylor will help you and others in the group to maintain healthy boundaries to encourage the safety of people in the group; and,
you can expect to enjoy the process and actually look forward to your sessions.
Please note that OHIP covers Dr. Taylor's group courses, when you attend your appointments. OHIP does not pay Dr. Taylor if you do not attend your booked sessions. Since we cannot replace a participant once a group has started, the participant must pay for any missed sessions - like any other medical appointment.
As such, a fully-refundable deposit is required to secure your space in a group and to pay for any missed sessions during the duration of your group course. Please see the group guidelines for more details on the charges for missed sessions.
What Methods Of Payment Do You Accept For Group Deposits?
At this time, we are only able to accept cash, cheque or e-transfer. Receipts are provided upon request for insurance or tax purposes.