Thank you for considering sending your patient to Dr. Shira Taylor for integrative, group psychotherapy services.
Please fill out the referral form and fax it to our office at (705) 704-9277 along with any relevant clinical information such as specialist consultation notes or hospital discharge summaries.
Patients will be contacted to arrange an intake appointment for consideration for group services. Due to Ministry of Health OHIP rules, the first appointment will either need to be in person in the Parry Sound area or is required to be a formal consultation; thereafter, group attendance may be in person or virtual, according to what is being offered.
Dr. Taylor is happy to collaborate with you and the rest of your patient's healthcare team. If you wish, consultation notes will be sent at the end of your patient's course to update you on your patient's progress.
If you would like to connect with Dr. Taylor to inquire more about her services, please feel free to contact her.